Alexandra, your strength as a woman is truly remarkable, and I am deeply grateful for the positive impact you bring into this world.
Currently, the landscape of our lives remains largely unchanged, and we find ourselves in a chaotic situation. The distractions around us are overwhelming, igniting a constant cycle of competitive comparisons that seem to flourish in every aspect of our lives. Moreover, the prevalence of destructive influences appears to be greater now than ever before.
At the heart of this turmoil lies parenting, which should be the cornerstone of individual development and societal well-being.
Unfortunately, the approach to raising children today feels haphazard and inconsistent. The tools meant to help our children navigate life—social media platforms, television, and various technological devices—lack the essential guidance needed for proper growth. It is a grave mistake to entrust these responsibilities to these external forces.
This oversight has created a shaky foundation upon which today's society is built, leaving many children without the direction they so desperately need.