-Let your communication with your spouse match your spouse's love language.
Communication is beyond speech or spoken words to that which is not said.
The beauty of the talking spirit called a man in the earthen vessel is in man’s ability to speak or act in a demonstration of his/her desires.
Generic man has added advantages in his communication and language through various adjustments he can make and receive while passing his messages to his target audience than nature that can speak through signals, signs, and sounds.
However, the ability to communicate with the understanding that affects other persons' responses and actions may be lacking.
The language of the communication may be a barrier to the hearer, especially when the language of the communication is misinterpreted or outrightly not understood.
Thus, mono-directional communication is ineffective whenever the resultant effects of the communication are assessed.
A crying baby desires attention is a general assumption but when the baby continues to cry despite the attention given to him/her then there is more to that than meets the eye.
Understanding a crying baby's desire and reasons for his/her crying demands closer attention and an understudy of the baby's love language.
This will help you to pin down the best way to appease the baby and stop him/her from crying uncontrollably.
The foregoing brings us to the husband and wife's topic on your communication and love language.
Love languages are the various ways we give and receive love.
Dr. Gary Chapman through his long-term work as a marriage counselor created this concept.
The five basic love languages are :
~words of affirmation,
~act of service,
~receiving gifts,
~quality time, and
~physical touch.
Love language is important to human beings because we humans respond differently to various kinds of love languages.
What turns one person on may be what turns someone else off and these responses are dependent on personality traits and mood swings per person per time per circumstances, situations, and environment.
Therefore, couples are advised to understudy their spouses to understand their partner's love languages.
This will enable them to effectively and efficiently communicate in the exact love language that best turns on their partners.
It will be foolhardy to communicate to your spouse whose best love languages are touch, cuddling, and presence, with a well-written love letter coupled with gifts when all that is demanded of you is your presence.
You may be inviting unwarranted suspicion with your gift rather than the commendation you deserve.
You might be setting yourself up for keen observation by your spouse unknowingly.
The marriage relationship is an emotionally driven adventure in which every day opens with a new page of your life to study with your spouse.
Therefore, be willing to implement whatsoever you learn in your marriage adventure consistently and intentionally.
That is how to grow and progress to maturity and gain clarity daily in your marital journey.
Don't forget in a hurry that your marriage adventure is a lifelong journey and not a one-off adventure.
Your home of bliss and peace is your best life investment, and it is the best gift that you and your spouse can bequeath to the world.
Join me and pray with me as we keep waiting for the birth of my book, Blissful and Peaceful Homes, Wonderful World.
The campaign to stop the home drifts and discover the recipes for a blissful and peaceful home to control your world is on.
Join me.
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Enjoy your day.
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo