-Be deliberate in building your brand.


You are somebody.

Don't live like anybody else, but yourself.

You are divinely calibrated, a special, unique, and customized product of the Almighty God.

The world as it is presently constituted is incomplete without you.
Make it count.

You are a brand ambassador of yourself, your family, and your associates.

Be mindful and thoughtful of your brand and what you would want your brand to represent in the minds of people whenever and wherever you are mentioned.

This will help to condition and regulate your activities, actions, and reactions online and offline.

If you are determined, diligent, committed, and disciplined enough to be consistent and intentional in going about this, you will soon realize the importance of building your brand.

This is purely the underlining wisdom in personal brand and branding.

The purposeful alignment of your online and offline attitudes, behavior, and character is to synchronize and harmonize the common traits that boldly represent and speak for you in the minds of your associates or whoever you come in contact with, a portrait of choice capable of eliciting the admiration of all wherever you are mentioned.

If you have not discovered the vision of yourself by now, leave all things now and take a break, and reflect on the urgency of self-discovery and self-realization of who you are, where you are, where you are going, and where you ought to be to match the vision you have of yourself.

Be critical of yourself yet be objective and compassionate to yourself not to get depressed and damage your self-image and self-esteem while articulating your innate potential to activate and establish your true identity.

Groom and nurture your values as represented within your identity and personality to maturity and serve it to the glory of God Almighty who by His infinite care and love has created you a distinctive personality and a relational being for the good of humanity that you might explore, exploit, and deploy your uniqueness in the projects of complementary completions.

Go ahead to live out your brand and own it.
That is what makes you special and unique.


You are a brand to envy if you are determined, diligent, disciplined, and devoted to discovering your unique and special abilities and talents to explore and exploit them for the benefit of mankind and God's glory.

Take the lead and grow your brand.

Everyone just like products and services has a generic name but standout performers amongst the equals have the distinctive name of a class that distinguishes them from others.

To perform at the peak of the packs can be that distinguishing factor that sets you apart from the rest.

Your distinguishing factors may not be so much recognized at the onset until it has been worked on to become the envy and most sought-after attributes of yours by your associates, competitors, and even your foes.

However, living in awareness and consciousness that you are unique and special helps you to keep your focus while searching to discover your unique selling point in life.

As soon as you have discovered your unique selling point, explore and exploit it, nurture and groom it to an enviable height to present it as the solution for a specific need of humanity.

This is where consistency and intentionality lead to clarity, creative ingenuity, and mastery.

CR7 and Messi generically are both footballers but for close to twenty years now both of them have grown their football skills to the envy of their peers, friends, and even their enemies in their respective clubs, countries, and the world.

You too can become the most sought-after-talent in your special area of call.

Go for it and shine on.


There are so many powers and vibrational energies in your self-talk that can change your bearing in life.

Words are either creative or destructive.

Be kind and compassionate enough to yourself by using positive creative thoughts and words when describing and thinking about yourself.

If you give life to destructive thoughts and words in your mind you will eventually be destroyed.

So, erase those negative thoughts and words brewing in your mind before they destroy or even kill you.

Have you not heard that as a man thinks, so he is?

What you are or what you are not, all starts from your mind, what you think, and how you think and go about them.

That is why having a positive mindset and abundance mentality backed by appropriate actions positions you to possess your possessions.

It is said that whatever you can imagine or think about is a reality and possibility in the spiritual realm.

Hence, you are called to spiritual awakening and to live in the consciousness of who you are in the Lord.

That is principally the call and task for faith kind of life and faith living.

Man is a spirit in an earthen vessel called his body and he has a soul, the seat of consciousness.

Whatever you use your seat of consciousness or allow into your seat of consciousness determines what you turn out to be.

What do you allow to get into your seat of consciousness?

Be aware,
Be conscious,
Be deliberate,
Be intentional,
Be consistent,
Be persistent,
Be mindful,
Be thoughtful,
Be prayerful, and
Be watchful.

It is the interplay between and among your tripartite nature and your actions as well as your relationship with others that determine who you are.

To your greatness and fruitfulness, enjoy your day.

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🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


#people #love #branding #help #project #like #brand #building #projects

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