Hello friends,
I am Ginuschuks Okonkwo -Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo.
I welcome you all to IWAC Writing Challenge 2023.
Furthermore, I will be writing in any and or all of the above-mentioned niches while the challenge lasts.
Besides, I am not your regular type of challenge person who will be doing everything possible to win this challenge. Rather I am here to get back my writing discipline and focus on track.
Hence, I have the following postulations to keep me on track as to why I am here.
I am here not to compete with anyone but with myself and time. Therefore, I am compelled to contribute daily.
I am here not to compare, but I must compliment and complement your work with my comments whenever necessary.
My presence here in this challenge should not scare you because the challenge is mutually beneficial to all participants.
I am here to learn, relearn, unlearn, and network with you as much as it is possible.
It sounds hilarious when somebody you are preparing to fight and win 🏆 throws in the towel in surrender and has declared you a winner before the fight.
Well, that is why I prefer the word challenge to competition. Hence, I am here because the tension that comes with the word competition is taken away from the onset.
Now that you are declared a winner before the challenge, what has become the use of your expensive armories and weapons of warfare?
Neither here nor there, have you not read and or heard that in corporate warfare as explained in games theory that inaction on its own is counted as a strategy too?
Therefore, I appeal to every one of us to cooperate, collaborate, and contribute to complete one another while this challenge lasts.
Promise me one thing, you will be on the lookout for my posts to read, comment on, and cheer me up. I will do the same for you too.
I love your presence here. Furthermore, I hope you love me, too.
Enjoy your day.
Professor of Complementary Completions
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo