
Edu here is deep learning and wisdom of the ages:
Nature has ears,
Nature has eyes,
Nature has feelings,
Nature has thoughts,
Nature has energies, and
Nature has powers.
Above all, Nature obeys its Creator, God, implicitly and explicitly, unlike man.

Nature is an apt messenger of God.
I believe you know that this is free divine wisdom and deep learning that I am dropping here. Use it to your advantage.
However, it may seem strange, but it is Biblical. And since it is Biblical it is divine and truth but easy to overlook.
What happened in the story you narrated was beyond the ordinary. Though the ordinary would say, it was accidental and or coincidental, all of that was grammar and physical interpretation given to spiritual matters.

It is myopia for man to believe that he is his body. But this is far from the truth. Man is the spirit with the soul his seat of consciousness,and he is residence in an earthen vessel called his body.

Also, man is equally a social being and a talking spirit. All these have an impact and influence over him and are determinants of who he is.

Therefore, the total man always emits energies and powers that send signals to Nature irrespective of whether he is aware of this happening or not. In response, Nature will always respond accordingly.

Whatever the man does with Nature's response is dependent on whether the man is living in awareness and consciousness of higher knowledge which are dependent on his degree of illumination per time and season.



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