Dutifully and diligently allow the illuminating power of God and His words to guide you and shine in your matrimonial home.
"The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there."-Ellie Rodriguez.
This means that while it takes God, the light, to guide your home, man is required to keep you warm in the home.
"Home, the spot of earth supremely blessed
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest."-Robert Montgomery.
We are the earthen vessels.
Spouses are members of the same body. Therefore, spouses who have found between themselves the spot of earth supremely blessed, a dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest of humanity have found a home.
Thus, my reflections on the nature of a home that births and breeds bliss and peace.
The home sweet home is the home of bliss and peace.
It is the longing of everyone but elusive to many because many desires cannot be converted into actions quintessential for the desired results.
The beauty of a blissful and peaceful home is the heart of love shared within the home.
The beauty of a blissful and peaceful home is encapsulated in a shared agreement that by wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established.
The beauty of a blissful and peaceful home is seen in the common currencies of joy, love, peace, forgiveness, togetherness, and humility which could be given with trust earned.
The beauty of a blissful and peaceful home is the architectural masterpiece of a virtuous woman superimposed on a heart of gold of Christlike love of her husband.
The beauty of a blissful and peaceful home is common in couples who see and appreciate their partner's roles within the marriage union as a complementary completion duty rather than a competitive comparison duty.
Many marriages started promising but ended in shambles. While other marriages took off in a fragile mood and cruised to a fine finish. Some other marriages started very romantically and friendly but ended up irreparable.
Some spouses at the beginning of their marriages would say, "If I don't marry this lady or this man I will die." Rest a time after the consummation of the marriage, the same spouses will be threatening one another to leave the marriage and calling themselves unprintable names. Some who dare to stay lose their lives or at best some turn their homes into a boxing ring arena.
Why are things like this?
Why are marriage expectations not realized?
What a scrap mentality!
While some blamed and claimed that lack of adequate courtship was responsible after they had cohabitated for more than 5 years as bedmates before their marriages were consummated. Others blamed incompatibility as their reason for divorce.
Resolving the Compatibility Theories of Mate Selection
Human behavior is not static and such has become a major challenge in contemporary marriage relationships.
Therefore, seeking and obtaining the right knowledge for your marriage union remains the best thing that can guarantee a blissful and peaceful home for you.
A marriage union is an institution of learning. It is an institution that harbors those who are willing to continuously learn, relearn, and unlearn often contrasting behaviors to the extent of assimilating them without resentments.
To this end, I call husbands and wives professional painters and or color psychologists of sorts for it is in color psychology that red and white blends to give pink.
This to a reasonable extent is what is obtainable in real-life situations where positives attract negatives as regards personality traits between husbands and their wives. It is unimaginable to see extreme extroverts getting married to one another as husbands and wives.
So, before rounding up my submission and resolution with the scriptural position on this, here is the compatibility theorists' position:
"Compatibility theories of mate selection suggest that individuals who are well-matched on key characteristics marry each other, in part, because such matching increases the likelihood that they will be able to establish a mellifluous and mutually satisfying partnership (Huston, Surra, Fitzgerald & Cate, 1981; Levinger & Rands, 1985)."
However, the scriptures opined that man was given a help meet (suitable) for him.
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."-Genesis 2:24-25.
This is what I referred to as the Unashamed Nakedness Rule of Engagement between husband and wife which hinges on unreserved and unhindered communication between husband and wife encapsulated in the divine mystery of one plus one equals one with the synergetic potential power of production of ten thousand growth rates and results.
The Scriptures further state that it is by wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches (Proverbs 24: 3- 4).
Hence, husbands and wives, and would-be husbands and wives, you are hereby urged to make your call and election into fatherhood and motherhood of your homes sure, by seeking to obtain the necessary prerequisite knowledge, understanding, and wisdom at all times and stages in your marriage for a blissful and peaceful home to exist and subsist too.
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🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo