As a setting, parents are automatically significant others in the lives of their children and wards.

This is a rare opportunity divinely given to parents to mold the future of any given society.

It is equally a task-laden privilege of helping your children and wards to learn, develop, and understand the world within and around them.

Parents' commitment during the first seven to eight years of their children and wards' development is very critical.

Also, parents' involvement in the transit-transformational stages of their children and wards' development is equally important.

Parents are to recognize the various stages of child development and the critical developmental demands of the stages and pay adequate attention to them to obtain the very best available for them, from them to them, and for the good of society.

  • Family And Its Importance To Societal Well-being

The single most important unit of any and every society is the family.
It is the starting point of every society.

At its micro level, a family starts with a man called the husband and a woman called the wife.

It is in the discharge of procreative duties of the husband and the wife that marks the arrival of the children from the union between a man and woman in a marriage relationship.

However, over the ages the family 👪 has been under subtle but constant attacks from Satan, the devil, the arch-enemy of man.

At the point of the creation of the earth, Satan plotted to be in charge of the earth, the bid, which he lost when God handed to man the stewardship of the earth.

It was Satan's failure to secure stewardship of the earth and his subsequent rebellion, dethronement, his being cast away from heaven, and his rage over the loss of stewardship of the earth and his angelic position in heaven that he plotted for the fall of man from the garden of Eden that marked the great fall of man.

With the great fall came the consequences of man's disobedience of God's set standards of rules and regulations of which death was the capital punishment.

Thanks be to God who by the atonement with the blood of His only-begotten son, Christ Jesus, reconciled man to Himself and hence has restored to man the lost glory.

Therefore, the call is made to whoever is thirsty to come to drink the living water freely.
Christ Jesus is the living water.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

His life is the light of men.

Accept Him.
Believe Him.
Confess Him as your personal Lord and Savior for the new beginning in your life.
It is as easy as ABC for you to start a new walk and work with the Lord.

It is your new walk and works with the Lord;
My new walk and works with the Lord; and
Our collective new walk and work with the Lord will birth new and transformed families and homes of bliss and peace for the good of humanity and the glory of God Almighty for with Him all things are possible.

It is bliss and peace of family 👪 and home that guarantees societal well-being for the society is the mere reflection of its constituent parts, the families and homes within it.

Family Values And Folktales


Trust, when life is involved what do you do?

Folktales are oral traditional stories usually unwritten and used to teach, indoctrinate, and internalize some beliefs and values into the lives of children.

Some of the folktales are good for teaching morals while some may not be good enough as they have been fingered to be reasons for some limiting beliefs and negative mindsets that hinder the growth and development of children in their adulthood.

In the same vein, Bible stories are made to provoke moral values in the lives of adherents of the scriptures.

The Biblical story of Samson was the story of the danger of misplaced trust and its consequences.

Definition Of Trust

Meridian Webster Dictionary's definition of Trust is assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something, namely, something where people place their confidence.

Trust is the foundation of a healthy, happy, and lasting relationship whether they are romantic or not.

Trust is indispensable whenever you seek to have a real and close connection with your loved ones.
Trust is built at the height of your relationships with other people.
It is built to the point you are willing to be vulnerable even at the risk of losing your life.

It is with this intent that the scriptures give the perfect portrait of the relationship that should exist between husbands and their wives with the kind of love and relationship that exist between Christ and His wife and body, the church.

Ephesians 5:25, Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it.

Trust is that depth of love in your love relationship with your spouse that even though you are vulnerable, you are willing to stake your life sacrificially.

Trust is important.
Trust is tender.
Also, trust is delicate.
Trust is difficult to build yet indispensable in every and any relationship.
Furthermore, trust is hard to maintain and sustain and harder to rebuild.
It can only be built, maintained, sustained, and rebuilt in the family settings by continually looking unto Jesus Christ.

Outside the family setting, trust in relationships is built on the legal framework that sets out the dos and don’ts and consequences, thereof.

Therefore, parents who would want to live out a legacy for their children as matriarchs and patriarchs of their families should be willing to build, maintain, supervise, and sustain trust and its lasting value starting with themselves as the first role models and champions to their children.

They can go a step further, by establishing family governance structures, as the families grow in numbers and branches, to have a family constitution and family councils of elders to help maintain balance over contending interests in the families.

This ought to be reviewed from time to time to ensure equity and justice among stakeholders in the functions and governance of the families.

Until I come your way again, follow me,Ginuschuks Okonkwo- Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo and continue to develop trust and grow your family values.

Enjoy your day.

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🎍©Ginuschuks Okonkwo


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