The place of the rule of engagement in your marriage with your spouse.
I was heartbroken by a story of a divorce case I read online.
The story had it that a woman broke down in court after the presiding judge passed a verdict that granted the husband of the woman his request to divorce her based on childlessness in the marriage.
The woman was 49 years old, and she had been married to the man for 21 years. The pains and agonies of what might have happened in those years of togetherness were deep. But indeed it happened.
It could be you or me. Your faith is not proven until you are tested.
But then!
When you read the account of Zacharias and Elizabeth of the Bible days, what comes to your mind? Read Luke 1:6-7 with emphasis on the context and meditate.
The Rule of Engagement
You must have heard or read me speak or write of the rule of engagement of couples in a marriage union. It is about the Unashamed Nakedness of Couples within and between themselves.
Whenever this rule is in its full application it guides, guards, and controls the behavior of couples in the marriage union.
It is this rule that produces the divine mathematical equation of one plus one equals one.
It is oneness unbroken and undivided.
Furthermore, it is oneness binding and bonding.
It is the oneness of commitment and sacrifice.
It is oneness in communication and silence yet talking with understanding.
Likewise, it is oneness in the presence and absence.
It is oneness in complementing, collaborating, and cooperating to complete one another.
Do you know what?
This rule was breached and broken no sooner than it was established in the Book of the Foundation:
Genesis 2:25,
"And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
The next chapter started with the breakage of this rule among other rules that guide man's stewardship of the earth.
The scriptures opined that whosoever breaks the hedge the serpent will bite.
Has it ever crossed your mind to ask of where Adam was when Eve had a lengthy but secret conversation with the serpent, Satan, and the devil in the garden? And why did Eve keep the conversation secret until her marriage was destroyed?
Don't allow yourself to be used against your marriage and spouse. You are a team and not in competition. Allow the team spirit to reign and rule you in the marriage union.
Have a remarkable weekend with this message illuminating you in the fullness of its understanding and the wisdom to apply it daily in your home for bliss and peace. Amen.
©🎍#Ginuschuks Okonkwo 15042023