
I am narrowing down my comment here to the marriage relationships just to give my comment focus.

Marriage is a knowledge-based institution.

So, having an open mind to learn, unlearn, and relearn is key.

Next to the learning key is the understanding key.

And the next to the understanding key is the wisdom key which comes with the willingness and readiness to practice and implement whatever you have learned and understood to progress.

Partners should be willing and ready to deploy these keys daily because human beings are not only rational beings they can as well be irrational beings based on their emotional dispositions per time and varied personality traits.

Therefore, partners who have the understanding that emotions are higher than knowledge will not be dwelling so much on their respective IQs but will be seeking to balance their supposedly high IQs with reasonable levels of EQs.

For a marriage union to work seamlessly there is a need for spouses to understand the role of Unashamed Nakedness of the Spouse's Rule of Engagement of Partners in Marriage as well as the Concept of Complementary Completions as opposed to the Popular Concepts of Compatibility and Competitive Comparisons that have bred more feuds and foes over the years.

In general, relationships thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect for and to all parties involved in them.




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