I have not been to Japan 🇯🇵 but all I have learned about Japanese people and Asians as a whole defines people who are culturally grounded and disciplined to hold on to things that make for a total man, spirit, soul, and body balanced for a purpose.
And that purpose is to ensure that they have a balanced and healthy interface between and among their tripartite nature for optimal performance within any and every setting.
In management, the Japanese total life employment policy seeks to make a worker a member of the family as represented by the organization where he/she works just to guarantee that the worker puts in his/her best without distractions.
Japanese are known to be workaholics but they are not complaining because their organizations take good and proper care of their needs.
From your explanations here you will see that everyone in your Japanese family is doing his/her best to see that you adopt and adapt to their cultural beliefs without feeling rejected or unwanted.
That is the power of cultural and communal living that is not common in contemporary American and European families today.