If there is no danger 🔴 there will be no warning ⚠️

I warned my late brother of the kind of journals and or diaries he was keeping.

History, they say, is a record of important past events. So, the keeper of any journal and diary must determine what makes his/her cuts.

We, humans, have short memories. However, that does not prevent us from recording and storing events as they happen to us but the speed at which we can recall them is what we lack.

Therefore, keeping a record of events as they happen to us in any recognizable format of our choice becomes important.

Despite the importance of records keeping there are things we should be mindful of and thoughtful about. These are decisions we must make from the onset as they help to shape and focus our information-gathering techniques.

Decide the purpose of your information. Why are you interested in the information you are gathering and what good will be the memories they will create in the future?

Classify your information and decide whether they are worth keeping or not both now and even in the future. Decide which information makes your whitelist or blacklist?

I will appreciate you if you can only keep the information that can advance your course in life. The information that produces feel-good memories is the kind of information that is worth your time and is worth being kept. Whilst information that is only reminding you of the beautiful yesterday and the brink-failed future should not have a space in your record books.

You are to be intentional and consistent about your regularity in assessing what is in your records and memory banks. Be quick to delete junk to create space for feel-good memories.

Then, back to my late brother Eoj who was so good at record-keeping that he was keeping records of the good, bad, and ugly. Eoj was not much educated but held his own amongst his equals.

He was virtually the secretary of five to six associations and groups he belonged to when things were on a smooth ride for him.

Eventually, life happened to him, and evil winds took away his business and the once-happening guy was begging for bread. Eoj was forced out of the mainstream town to a rural area where he settled to fend for himself.

A day came after about five years he left the mainstream town when he received letters from his former associations and groups informing him about their termination of all relationships and associations with him following his inability to meet up with his financial obligations with their associations and groups. These letters all coming within a week at once broke Eoj down so that it took him months to recover.

During this period he took time to check through his records and saw that he had in the past committed so many funds that were not recorded in his favor by his associations and groups and there were no exact laws in their constitutions to enable him to press and enforce his rights.

It then dawned on him that he was used and dumped. Also, it occurred to him that my warnings about how he was going about his associations and groups' businesses and his records-keeping attitude might backfire had come to pass.

After my late brother had overcome the shock of his life following the simultaneous termination of his relationships and associations with all his former groups and the subsequent mournful moods, he gathered his journals and diaries and burnt them.

Be it as it may be,record-keeping and keeping memories can be profitable and it can be harmful as well. Memories have lasting effects on us and our relationships with people now and in the future.

  • Remember, it is only your family members that are obligated to love you unconditionally because they are divinely mandated to be your obligated active role models, and mentors.

Therefore, be proactive in determining what you record and retain in your record books and memory; and constantly reassess them to ensure that they comply with your positive dispositions and advancement mentality at all times.

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Enjoy your day.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo

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