It Starts With You.

The home of bliss and peace starts with you.

Photoshoot of my book "The Blissful and Peaceful Homes: A Wonderful World," Expressing Ignite the Light of Bliss and Peace in Your Family Today by the Author.

The home of bliss and peace starts with you.
It is beyond potential and talent.
It demands all of you to obtain the best of you.

Therefore, the home of bliss and peace demands purposeful intentionality to achieve. It doesn't just happen.
It happens when you realize the distinctiveness of you in the equation of life.

Your awareness of your position in life.
And when you live in the consciousness that you are divinely calibrated, customized, and designed for the glory of God then you will realize the urgency of making your family work.

At the foundation of blissful and peaceful homes are the committed couples who live in awareness and consciousness of their duties and obligations in life and destiny as God’s steward on Earth, who live with His mandate in procreation to fulfill their divine calling. It is this fundamental understanding of couples in the equation of life that enables couples to leverage divine strengths and wisdom when life happens.
Get a copy of "The Blissful and Peaceful Homes: A Wonderful World"©2023 for your illumination on this and more on what would make your homework.
Ignite the Light of Bliss and Peace in Your Family Today.
Enjoy your day.



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