
My brother, I am more of an indoor person than an outdoor person. As long as my smartphones are charged, I may be online for 6 hours or more.
So, on that faithful day, I was busy sending invites to people online and following those that I wanted to follow.
Then came their first message to me asking to join their premium package which I turned down. Therefore, they sent me a message telling me about the implications of following the unknown persons on their platform which I thanked them for and continued with what I was doing. Later on, they sent me a series of names to confirm how I knew them. To their question on how I knew those people I wrote and told them that to each person I invited, I was sure that we have nothing less than 10 persons in common as friends.

The next thing was a message that they suspected I was using a machine to boost my followers, that they had removed my shadow followers by almost about 2500 followers, and that they were shadow-banning me because it seemed that I was manipulating their system

My brother I was not disturbed by their actions against me because I am too straight forward to be bended by human falsehood.

Today, I believe that they are the ones that should be worried about my absence in their platform not me.

I hope that medium. com will not do like them because I have been all day here reading, writing, and commenting on other people's works.

If I want I can assemble my comments of yesterday and today into about ten meaningful posts.

I am the one that burn my data and time therefore I must be the one that will determine how I use my data and time and not any platform management as long as I am not violating rules of the community.
Have you read my lastest post about what is actually pursuing me?



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