
''No, men are as capable as women of being loving, affectionate, thoughtful, nurturing, and caring, provided they make an effort and are open to learning how to be better partners."

It is unfortunate these days we have drifted so far away from marriage and family, the single most important foundation of every human existence, such that we prefer calling husbands and wives, partners, or some other cooler terms that justify no divine strings attached between a man and woman who are living and sleeping together.

However, the truth remains that marriage union, and family are two basic institutions of learning for the molding of characters.

The two institutions are the arenas for the exhibition of real-life realities that no other outfit in human existence can offer.

If you have the opportunity to interview single parents and children brought up by single parents it will not take you time to notice and hear the background noises of the deficiencies in their duties which will be evidenced by their children's conduct, characters, and lives.

No one eats his/her cakes and has them back as they were.

All the reports you have rolled out here are genuine and correct.

But the worst is that things are not going to get better because it is easy to destroy than to build.

Marriage and family values have been decimated. It does appear that no one is ready to rebuild them again.

Society and or government do not build character but the married and family do.

Society is a reflection of the constituent families and communities within it.

It is the root of a tree that determines its strength. It is the foundational structure of a building that determines its strength.

The male children ( men) in focus here, what is their foundational upbringing like?

The truth remains that you can't give what you don't have.

Thanks for sharing the disheartening statistics. The future is not bright.



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