Whenever you observe that your neighbor’s garden is greener than yours is a sign that your garden demands immediate and urgent attention.

It is not a time to abandon your garden for your neighbor's garden.

If you neglect your farm and are careless about what you have planted on it just because it is looking famished today it will soon be overgrown by weeds.

It is written while men slept
an archenemy came and planted tares among the wheat.

Don't be a foolish and negligent farmer who left his farm at the mercy of the wild weeds and who during harvest has nothing to harvest but regrets.

Your love garden demands more than interest and involvement. Your love demands your attention, commitment, presence, and your sacrificial love to keep, maintain, and retain it, especially in your family.

Does Love Die?

I have been confronted severally with this question. Some youths when they want to be confrontational would ask me if I believe in love. Does love exist?

Masked within these questions are disappointments, frustrations, and agonies orchestrated by failed attempts at love affairs evidencing the existence of love and not the absence of love.

Love is real.
Love is delicate.
Love can be fed
Love can be neglected.
Love can wither.
Love can die.

Don’t allow your love to die.

Don't allow your love for your spouse, children, and wards to die.

Love is delicate.
It can die if not properly cared for.

It is why love finds representation in figurative symbols of the heart and flowers.

Furthermore, it is the heartbeat of every relationship, especially marital relationships.

Love is to marital relationships, what the heart is to the body. Your heart can fail if not sufficiently supplied with the blood.

Love is a deed of kindness. Continue with the deed of kindness to keep, maintain, and retain your love for your loved ones.

Love is flowery represented because it has the potency of withering away if not cared for as flowers do.

Without love in your relationship, you can hardly develop trust.

Love is commanded and it is a law.

Inherent in every commandment is the chance of disobedience and for every disobedience there are consequences.

Hence, when we are commanded to love, we are automatically demanded to observe and obey this extant law for effective relationships without which there are consequences for disobedience.

Thus, love is the key that opens the door to an effective relationship while trust is developed and earned over time following consistent performance within the expected standard of behavior and attitude from the participants in the relationship.

Therefore, whenever the flowers in your neighbor's garden appear greener and blossom than yours it then means that your garden requires urgent attention.

Don't just ignore these signs, rather manure and water your garden for healthy flowers to appear in your garden.

That is how your garden of love will bounce back to life and flourish this year in Christ Jesus' name, Amen 🙏

Love is giving and sacrificial.

Love in a marriage relationship is a lifelong commitment and not just an involvement.

Your involvement with your spouse, children, and wards might have appeared shallow in the past, please get committed, and intimate and let your presence count in the lives of your spouse, children, and wards spiritually, soulfully, and physically this year and beyond, amen 🙏

Remember, the campaign to stop the home drifts and discover the recipes for a blissful and peaceful home to control your world is on.

Join me as we wait for the birth of my book, BLISSFUL AND PEACEFUL HOMES, WONDERFUL WORLD.

Love, like, clap, comment,and share this message to reach others.

Enjoy your day.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo 11052023


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