
Okwy, I kept on laughing and smiling as I was reading through your article because common sense is not common.
There is so much about names we are given. There is so much about the day, date, and year we are born.
In the field of numerology, all of these have implications for who we are.
I am learning about some of these things because I have come to age. Also, I learned from my last ten years that there were so many gaps yet to be filled in our knowledge about Africa. Africans are backward in record keeping and documentation, which has affected our rate of development.
The foregoing notwithstanding, Okwy, I must tell you that as an underage, I stopped the calling of my father and mother by their names.

Before then, within my village people address their fathers and mothers by their names. The practice was reinforced during Nigeria's civil because some children lost contact with their parents because they didn't know their parent's names.
Therefore, I am in support of people calling me by my name.



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