-Child Development
As a setting, parents are automatically significant others in the lives of their children and wards.
This is a rare opportunity divinely given to parents to mold the future of any given society. It is equally a task-laden privilege of helping your children and wards to learn, develop, and understand the world within and around them.
Parents' involvement during the first seven to eight years of their children's and wards' development is very critical. Also, parents' involvement in the transit-transformational stages of their children and wards' development is equally important.
Parents are to recognize the various stages of child development and the critical developmental demands of the stages and pay adequate attention to them to obtain the very best available for them, from them to them, and for the good of the family, society, and to the glory of God.
The Definition Of A Child And My Admonition To Parents, Child Caregivers, And Would-be-Parents.
In the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child means every human being(young people) below the age of eighteen years.
In this Convention, the general principles that underpin all Children's Rights are to ensure :
~The best interest of the child,
~The right to survival and development, and
~The respect for the views of the child.
The Convention set out children's rights including the right to health, education, family life, play, and recreation, an adequate standard of living, and to be protected from abuse and harm. Children's rights cover their development and age.
Parents, child caregivers, and would-be parents lend me your ears👂 👂
Ignorance is no excuse in a court of law nor would it be an excuse in the natural and spiritual courts.
To cure ignorance, seek and obtain relevant knowledge and move ahead to apply, implement, and practice that which you have learned.
Failure to do these will leave you in a state of smoking doctor's syndrome who despite his knowledge still smokes.
Your smartphone is a knowledge bank on the go. If you are confused and desire to know, "Ask Your Google" is my slogan.
The name that the owner of a dog gives and calls his/her dog is the name that the dog bears. It is an Igbo adage.
What name do you give and call your child and ward?
We are called to study to show ourselves worthy of our calls as parents.
Parenting or child rearing is a spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional call to responsibilities to model
and mold, guide, lead and develop a child into a balanced and total man/woman.
This call and responsibility ought not to be neglected but on the contrary, that is what we see. There is abundant evidence of negligence and outright abandonment of children in some cases.
The aftermath of these is violent reactions, abusive relationships, an increase in divorce cases, an increase in single parenthood, and children's developmental imbalances which they will eventually carry over into their adulthood.
Parents should know that having money is good and that having modern gadgets and equipment that aid life is a good thing. However, none of these things can replace their presence and position in their respective homes.
You are tasked to be the spiritual leader of your homes, models to follow by your children.
Furthermore, you are coach-trainers and teachers to your children.
In extreme cases where outsourcing these responsibilities is inevitable, the outsourced services should be vetted and monitored. This is the justification for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Child Development
What is the meaning of Child Development?
Child Development refers to the physiological, biological, and cognitive changes that occur in human beings between birth and adulthood.
The Scope of Child Development
The full scope of Child Development covers skills for:
~Cognition- the ability to learn and solve problems;
~Social interactions: assimilation, and integration;
~Emotional intelligence and regulation: interacting with others and mastering self-control;
~Speech and language:understanding, using language, reading, and communicating effectively;
~Physical skills: fine motor skills, the coordination of small muscles in movement with the eyes, hands, and fingers, and gross motor skills; and
~Sensory awareness: the registration of sensory information for use.
From my observations of this definition and the scope of child development, there is a lack of elaborate and proper attention to the spiritual development of a child.
This is very important to mention because man is a tripartite being consisting of spirit, soul, and body.
Hence, in your quest as parents to have and develop a total man from childhood to adulthood, the place of being sound and willing spiritual parents who will influence and impact your children is indispensable.
As parents, you must intentionally and consistently emphasize the spiritual side of the child's cognitive development starting with yourselves as examples and models to copy and pointing him/her to Christ Jesus the perfect model of our faith in conjunction with other aspects of the child's development for the total man you desire to emerge.
Your success is not as important as the significance you should and must be to your children. Your success is not complete if you have not significantly impacted and influenced your child(ren) spiritually, soulfully, and physically.
Until your success is transmitted and seen in the lives of your children and children's children-biological and spiritual children alike-you have not been the person of impact and influence you are called to be.
You Are In A Mission To Rescue Souls Especially Of Children And Youths.
How prepared are you for the spiritual warfare that elicits?
If you are on the right course, especially if that has something of futuristic fruitfulness for the children and youths that translates to blissful and peaceful homes and a wonderful world, you must be prepared for war.
It is a battle for hope and against hopelessness for the generations next.
The foundation of the future is in the lives of the children and youths of today.
Satan has for ages launched attacks on the foundation of the future of the earth and its world with his target on family units.
Therefore, anyone having a contrary view to that of Satan and his demons is an enemy and it is a declaration of war in the spiritual realm irrespective of whether the person (or group of persons)is aware of this or not.
Satan and his demons prefer that you live ignorant of this warfare as long as it is possible so that they can frustrate you out of course or if possible recruit you into their ranks.
Whenever it appears that you are aware, they forcefully launch attacks and fierce intimidation to recruit you as their agent.
My advice, therefore, is that you live in the awareness and consciousness of these satanic strategies of enforcing ignorance and fierce frustrating intimidation in order not to be a victim but a victor glorifying God all day and every time.
Brethren, always remember that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.
Acknowledge the warfare but count yourself a winner and worthy of the course you are called leveraging the finished work of grace by Christ Jesus even before the commencement of the battle.
It is finished, says our Master, Lord, and Savior, Christ Jesus the King.
Welcome To A New Weekend In The Fear And Admonition Of The Lord.
Be fruitful, multiply, and increase your reach.
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