You are your child's first-ever known champion, mentor, role model, coach-trainer, guide, and teacher.

Don't trivialize your position before your child.

It is a God-given position to you.

You are well-equipped for this position.
If you are not equipped God wouldn't have allowed you to be a parent.

However, it does not come cheap, else you would not value your position as much or respect it.

Parenthood is a position of care and cover.

Parenthood is a position of leverage and love.

Parenthood is a position of honor and humility.

Parenthood is a position of faith and favor.

Parenthood is a position of challenges and chances.

Parenthood is a position of opposition and opportunities.

Always remember that gold ores don't appear golden until they pass through the furnace not just once but several times.

It takes heat from the boiled water to bring out the best of a tea bag.

Be golden and the champion you are called to be; and

The privileged steward and co-creator with the Almighty God in procreation.


Consider the following statements:

You have heard that,

1)"All fingers are not equal."; and

2)"Big fish should fetch big firewood and small fish should fetch small firewood." This one is an Igbo idiomatic expression.

These statements depending on how they are used and who uses them can communicate a lack and scarcity mentality or a purpose and responsibilities mentality.

For example, the first statement says,
"All fingers are not equal."

It is a statement of fact, but it is not a statement that tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

It has given room for some people who hold the lack and scarcity mentality to evade responsibility and in the end, live a purposeless life.

However, for those that hold the purpose and responsibility end of the statement, they have learned that the fingers are divinely designed and arranged in the order they appear to aid the hands to perform their function effectively and efficiently for themselves and the good of the entire body.

The second statement, when interpreted, means that your size determines the functions you are assigned to perform.

This is not always true.

Consider the size of the gallbladder and the bile within it and the bile's functions within the body.

So, it is rather your understanding of your position, purpose, and responsibilities that determine how you should function.

If you understand your position, and purpose, and are willing to take up your responsibilities you will function creditably well for your good and others and to the glory of God.

Therefore, in all of these, parents and child caregivers are in the right position to communicate to their children and wards the essence of their uniqueness as family values for self-direction, worth, and achievement.

Parents and childcare givers, guide your children and wards to discover their latent talents and special gifts, groom and nurture them to fruition for their good, family, and society at large.

As I will always say, life is better when it is an arena of complementary completions than an arena of competitive comparisons.

So, teach your children and wards the basic principles of synergy and leverage: the importance of collaboration, cooperation, and functional contributions of their strengths for the general well-being of all.

To your greatness and fruitfulness in service of the work given you by the Almighty God as His steward, enjoy your day.

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🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo

#love #opportunities #respect #teacher #project# #water

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