-The Platform Of Success And Significance
See you at the top, the platform of success and significance.
See you at the top, the platform of the selected and elected few.
See you at the top, the platform where the symbol of the living paradox of life ratio of 25%:75℅ predominantly holds sway.
See you at the top, the platform that holds and inhabits the elected, nominated, privileged, and selected vital few that determine the fate of the trivial many who by their actions or omissions have elected themselves to willingly submit their will-powers knowingly or unknowingly to the minority few to take charge of their destiny.
You would have sought to arrive at the platform of success and significance:
-When you have taken time to develop your content,
-When you have taken time to make your foundation solid and sure,
-When you have taken time to work on your foundational, functional, and aesthetic values,
-When you have taken time to develop your hard and soft skills,
Then all:
Your self-worth,
Your self-esteem,
Your self-image and
Your self-confidence has been updated and upgraded to the point that even the gainsayers will find little or no fault with you.
Then, you have become a go-to person and your location becomes less of a barrier to those who sort after you and your values.
It is then you have arrived at the platform of success and significance.
At the platform of success and significance, your achievements are a success for reference and to be referred to whilst your impacts and influences are to your significance, and they are communal and enduring for humanity and to the glory of God.
What matters most while aiming and scaling the heights are your attitude and gratitude for they are the soft skills that determine your altitude and how long you can sustain and subsist at every height you have attained.
Daddy Showkey is an entertainer, a musician, and a comedian. He was equally a trained boxer. You can equally call him a ghetto soldier, and you will not be wrong.
He is a delight to watch whenever he grants a live interview. Also, he is an amazing guy whenever he is around Aj City walking around the streets that harbored him during his early years of preparation before he came to the limelight.
Daddy Showkey is humble, generous, and a proud representative of Aj City because he understands that life in the ghetto is not an easy one.
Moreover, to rise to fame he counted every step of the way to the top starting with being an evening stroll street entertainer to being an Executive Member of the Performance Musicians Association of Nigeria 🇳🇬(PMAN).
His talent, zeal, diligence, determination, discipline, and divine(TZ4Ds of success) all worked together to get him to where he is today. His life and history are examples of proper preparation that prevents poor performance(5Ps of success)
In his words," It is the man behind the mic that makes the show happen, not the show that makes the man happen."
Daddy Showkey is an example of a man I watched on a close-range rise to the platform of success and significance.
I am very proud of him, his achievements, and his contributions to the upliftment of Aj City in Lagos State, Nigeria, and beyond.
See you too at the top as you work to deploy your TZ4Ds and 5Ps of success as you take the staircase approach to the top.
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Happy Father’s Day and enjoy your day.
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo