Since the fall of the generic man in the Garden of Eden, there has been a lack of confidence in man to define himself/herself.
Over the ages inferiority cum superiority complexes, gender and racial discriminations, free-born and so many more discriminatory barriers have been institutionalized to segregate humanity.
All these and many other innumerable discriminatory linguistical inventions are the result of uneven distribution of illumination between and among human races.
The resultant effects of these are:
lack of self-esteem, and self-worth, and battered self-image of some races or classes of people.
Also, some people have been so brainwashed that they have accepted second-class citizenship and underdevelopment tags to their names and nations.
However, I thank God that since the turn of this century of speed and light, there have been significant changes in every facet of life. Within organizations and institutional setups human capital, human capital development, and human resources status generally have been elevated from a mere labor expense account to a Human Capital Account and Human Capital Development Account that determines the direction, destination, and destiny of the organizations they operate in.
I know that if not for some discriminatory cultural barriers the degree of change since the turn of this century would have been greater than we have today.
I sincerely believe that with time all defeatist ideologies will give way at the speed at which the entire world is being illuminated now.
With the proper illumination, we shall deaf the spirits of competitive comparisons to enthrone the spirit of complementary completions whereby every one of us will know that we are members of the body called to operate within the same system meant to function and operate in a harmonized and synchronized for the good all ad and to the glory of God who made us special and unique being with comparative advantages to enable us to mutually, rationally, and relationally function to erase or minimize our weaknesses while leveraging to exponentially optimize our results.