Life is all about commitment.
Life is beyond involvement.
Life is not a happenstance.
To make it to this place was a divine decision anchored ⚓ and witnessed by your parents.
You are the evidence to this effect.
Now that you are here make it count.
Therefore, if life is all about commitment, how committed are you to the course you are called?
How committed are you to the course you believed in?
If indeed you believed that life is not just involvement but commitment,
If indeed you believe that life is not a happenstance, get committed to the course you are called.
The proof of your beliefs dots throughout all the lines of your thought process to the action point.
What you are thinking about is who you become.
As it is written, as a man thinks, so he is.
Therefore, get your thinking right to get your life back.
That takes commitment.
What are your meditations about?
And what are your choices?
Here comes the battlegrounds of life.
At this point, you are presented with options to choose from.
Oftentimes, it is to choose between right and wrong; right and left; good and bad; light and darkness; life and death; God and Satan.
Be warned.
Don't follow the multitude to do evil.
Everyone is doing it doesn't justify wrong to be right.
You are yourself, special and unique.
Therefore, be yourself and not others.
No matter how little that decision to make might seem, it takes commitment to make and take a decision and stand by it.
For therein your integrity is tested to approve or disprove your true stand on the issues of life as they happen.
comes your action time to prove the decision you have taken from the choices laid out before you.
It takes commitment to stand and withstand the unfolding revelations of the reactions, counter-reactions, results, and consequences of your actions.
Were it to be!
Were it to be that our predecessors' commitments were documented and recorded, and we took cognizance of them our margin of errors would have been reduced to the barest minimum.
Most of our predecessors didn't keep records, but the royals maintained record-keeping and documentation for the wrong reasons, dominance, and oppression.
Even for some who dared to maintain records out of curiosity and memorials, theirs were not read or applied.
Thus, showing a lack of commitment to a worthy course of light and direction for the generation next.
Check out what the Committed do with their life issues.
They see their positions as a rare opportunity to sacrifice, serve, and support others.
Furthermore, they see their challenges as precursors and precautions for those following and looking up to them for directions to follow.
So, they record and document their challenges, experiences, and solutions on how they overcome the challenges for posterity to follow for safety.
Committed people don't shy away from responsibilities.
They see responsibilities as their response to the abilities found within them.
They believe that every problem has a solution and man is a solution-providing animal.
Therefore, they labor to search out within them what attracted the challenges.
Then, they work on their innate potential activating and articulating their gifts, talents, and passions as well as aligning and realigning to relate and regulate forces within and without while providing solutions.
Committed people in their commitment to think, make choices, take decisions, take actions, monitor and evaluate results, counter results, and adjust actions to obtain and produce the desired results.
Committed people are active, impactful, influential, tactful, successful, and indeed significant.
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🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo