Children are the future.
Family is the foundation.
Seed Of Love Family Project, SOLF_project, Campaign whereby you are your family brand ambassador.

Can you build with me the future?

The future starts now.
The future starts with you.

The dream and vision you have about the future are possible.
It is possible if you can start now.
It is possible if you can start from where you are and move on to where you want to be.

Now is the action moment.
And it is the most important time of your life.
Now is the foundation and active time to start any operation in and of your lifetime.

Can you build with me the future?

The strength of the future you desire is determined by the foundational structures you have in place.

Your desire to have a formidable and strong society in the future starts now.

The strength of such a formidable and strong society is found in the strength of the families we have now within the society.

That demands that we pay attention to the families we have today.
That demands that we spend time building family values and inculcating them in the children and youths, the future of any given society.


What are your values for your words?

"Children learn more from what they see than from what they hear..."

Moreover, children want to have and see parents and child caregivers whose words are in tandem with their actions.

No person, not even children will like to have parents and or child caregivers that are constantly apologetic for their words running contrary to their actions.

What do you stand for?

If you don't stand for anything it then means that you can fall for anything and everything.

Teach your children and wards to be persons of their word.

Teach them to mean whatsoever they say and say what they mean and stand by it with you as an example to emulate.

Always remember your complex roles as your children and or wards' parents, their first-time teacher and trainer, role model, mentor, and champion to look up to.

It is a tough task but it is doable.

Therefore, this should be one of the starting points to setting standards upon which your family values and cultures will rest.

Teach them the value of their words and tell them the danger of not living by their words.

Words are seeds of immense powers and energy capable of keeping or killing lives.

Words are likened to two-edged swords or guns. They can keep or kill the speaker and the hearers.

Thus, we ought to weigh our thoughts and mold our thoughts before verbalizing them.

This doesn't just happen until we become mindful and thoughtful of words and choosy of our words.

Hence, we are to be intentional and consistent in controlling our thought processes and managing our emotions.

This will make you a person of few words and a person of valuable words that are far from flippancy.

At present, in this world, truth is scarce but not blame games and idle words that are on cheap sale.

Don't follow the multitude do evil for you will be called to give an account of every idle word that proceeds out
of your mouth 👄.

Then the question is, how careful are you with your words?

The Power Of Your Presence And Commitment In The Lives Of Your Children

Parenting is a hard task but doable.
Here, you're being a co-creator in procreation with God, and it is being put to the test daily.

You are tested on your multi-complex roles as your children and or wards' parents or child caregivers, and their first-time teacher and coach-trainer, role model, mentor, and champion to look up to.

God's gifts to you and everyone were the gifts of sight, vision, and imagination.

Your basic understanding of these gifts will help you appreciate the pictures of objects you have taken in comparison with other people's pictures of the same objects.

We, humans, are photographers.
We take shots of objects based on presupposed outcomes.
These presupposed outcomes or expectations are what drive us to seek out settings that match or settings that are most likely to produce our sure and desired outcomes.

In imagination, we stretch our minds to produce likable possibilities because whatever you can imagine you can likewise possess.

In the vision, we are giving pictorial or visionary meaning to our imagined possibilities.

Insight, we are guided to seek and obtain the best possibilities that are in alignment with our imagined and envisioned possibilities to make them a reality.

Now, with the hindsight of the basic roles/meaning of sight, vision, and imagination in any and every picture you have, you can appreciate the urgency of your presence and commitment to the lives of your children and or wards as parents or child caregivers from birth to early adulthood.

Your understanding will confirm to you how undisputable your power of presence and commitment can be in the lives and development of your children or wards.

Be that first point of call, the go-to, on issues of life to your children and or wards. Evolve with them throughout their stages of development in life.

This is very important.
Don't outsource your roles.
When it becomes inevitable to outsource any of your roles ensure that you evaluate and monitor what you are getting.

That will show your children or wards your level of commitment to their development. Ultimately, that will enhance your bonding with them.

With well-rounded children or wards who have grown in stature, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as well as having favor with God and relating cordially with men we will have blissful and peaceful homes and indeed, society.

What is your take home from these things?

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Enjoy your day.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo



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