-Resolving the life puzzle

The Master and the owner of the earth and all that is in it has a cornfield. The cornfield has one entrance and one exit point. The corn stalks are in rows with a walking pathway in between rows, but you are commanded not to jump across rows. The corn stalks with their ears have grown and matured and are ready for harvest.

Then, comes the Master's Mandate to His stewards on earth that every one of them should get into His cornfield to pluck for Him the best of the corn ears their hands can reach one per head.

Remember, you have one inlet to the rows and one outlet to the rows, don't jump across rows. Also, remember that you have only one entrance and one exit point.

Furthermore, you are not allowed to walk back to where you have passed before. Moreover, inspecting the corn husks is at your discretion because time is of great essence for night cometh when one should work.

Finally, the master has earmarked rewards for His stewards according to the quality of the corn ears and quantity of the corn kernels per ear harvested per head of the stewards.

At the end of the day, some of the stewards come back empty-handed and dejected.

Also, some stewards come back with corn ears that have scanty corn kernels and are poor in quality.

Another set of stewards come back with corn ears that have quality corn kernels but without a sufficient quantity.

Finally, a few stewards who have eyes for the quality and quantity of good corn ears desiring and deserving of the master's reward come back with just corn ears.

1, Do you understand this Master's Mandate story as it applies to your journey on Earth?

If your answer is affirmative, go ahead to provide me with your answers to other questions in the comment section.

2, What are the possible reasons why the first set of stewards come back empty-handed and dejected?

3, What do you think are the possible reasons why the stewards are divided into four sets as determined by results?

4, What do you think that those who are in the fourth set do better than others, that win them the reward of the Master?

5, What are the likely avoidable mistakes by the first to the third sets that are common today and must be avoided by you?

To your greatness and fulfillment of your life purposes, enjoy your day.

Happy Sunday and Happy New Month.

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🎍#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


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