The paradox of life is that we see very ourselves in others.
On deep thought, I realized that before the invention of the mirror, others were the mirror with which a generic man looked/saw him/ herself.
The invention of the mirror was born out of the fact that man wants to see and vet him/ herself based on his/her perceptions and perspectives.
However, man has not been cured or free from the deceptions sold to him by others concerning him/herself.
For this reason, there are many versions of you in the eyes of people, even though some of the versions may not have any semblance of you, especially when they are coming from your haters.
Therefore, to ensure that you are not misrepresented, you should live in awareness and consciousness of your uniqueness, defining your assignment, call, purpose, and brand.
Your life story is distinctively yours. The authenticity of your life story is solely your making. You can daint or paint it but the truth about it remains with your maker and you.