"The relationship was so toxic that I returned to therapy in the middle of the situation. I felt like the relationship was putting me in such a dark place because I felt so alone. I was going through a lot mentally, physically, and emotionally brought on by dealing with a man who had a broken spirit and was careless with his own choices."
We all have a duty of care to ourselves.
That starts with understanding of ourselves and taking care of ourselves.
Unfortunately,most of us don't spend enough time with ourselves. That is the height of negligence to our primary duties. We ought to love and care for ourselves.
We owe ourselves happiness at all times because happiness is as a result of what happened or what did not happen and the meaning we ascribe to it.
However,it is oftentimes not possible because we don't give adequate and proper attention to ourselves.
If we have had enough attention to ourselves we will be able to know our values and have them established.
We can move a step further to sell those values to our would be partners, and friends.
Whosoever bought into them and keep to them is more likely to be genuine than the fair weather friends we call friends and partners.
Thanks for sharing though and have a pleasant time.