The generic man is a seed.
Within him/her are his/her contents found.
Whatever happens to him/her is a result of what he/she possesses.


You are the divine seed of Almighty God. Within you are the seeds, fruits, flowers, and indeed the trees for the continuity of life.

"The seed carries within itself new life. Paradoxically, it has to be buried before it can bring forth that new life; as a result, seeds and those who sow them are often used metaphorically in the Bible to convey ideas."

To these I postulate that your seeds are like shadows, they follow you wherever you go. Therefore, you are responsible to see that your seeds are:
✓positioned; and
✓productive for posterity seek.

To have your seeds preserved entails that you condition yourself to control your present consumption to reserve choice seeds for future planting seasons;

To have your seeds protected guarantees that you guide and secure your choice seeds for the next planting season against the foreseeable adversities which are likely to affect the potency of the seeds;

Also, to have your seeds positioned means you should endeavor to ensure that your choice seeds are not planted in unjust places-the pathways, thorns, and stones- but on fertile soils; and

To have your seeds productive for posterity seek demands all within your powers to ensure a bumper harvest which includes but is not limited to the planting, wedding of weeds, manuring, and monitoring of the plants and the farm against invaders.

All these four stage processes are only the human side of things but the divine side of things guarantees increases.

The reference to your seeds being likened to the shadow that follows us wherever we go: is simply the shaded part of our pictures (the seeds) revealed by the intersecting rays of light.

It means that it has become necessary for you to have intimate relationships and fellowship with the Holy Trinity for the revelation of your true self.

In doing these, your true potential and potencies as divine seeds of Almighty God will be manifested.

It is said that the secrets of men are in their stories.

To this, I affirm that your stories are God's gift to:
-Your generation; and
-Generations next.

However, most people have been deceived by Satan the devil to hide their stories.
Or if ever told to paint them and have them colored because they will leave them vulnerable if they are told undiluted.

In the end, what you have in most cases have been untold stories of men or painted stories of men.

However, the truth remains that the secrets of men are within their complete stories.

True stories of men are metamorphic renditions of processes, procedures, and patterns that lead to precepts and principles over time to give the end products, the men you see.

In the processes, procedures, and patterns are found:

- The stresses, strains, sufferings, and scars;

- The succours, strengths, sacrifices, and sufficiency of God’s grace;

- The setups and set downs as well as set-asides that are required of you to look up to advance;

- The pleasure, pits, prisons, punishments, and promotions;

- The trials, temptations, tests, and testimonies;

- The grace, glory, and gold; and ultimately
- The successes, victories, and triumphs.

Whenever you are in doubt of the truthfulness of the stories you have heard or read of men you should be ready and reasonable enough to seek and check out for the genuine and attested patterns and principles of true stories from the book of books and books of transformation, the Holy Scriptures.

It is a seed that gives rise to a tree.
It is a tree that bears fruits.
Furthermore, it is the kind of fruit that a tree bears that determines the kind of visitors each tree hosts.

Your temptations, tests, and trials are allowed to prove you for your testimonies.

Your tests, trials, and temptations are drawn to you by your potential, position, and purpose in life. You have sufficient grace and faith to overcome any and every life vicissitude if you remain unwavering in faith and abiding in Jesus Christ.

Seek to have an audience with the pillars of faith: Abraham, Job, Joseph, Moses, Daniel and so much more.

Finally, look onto Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of your faith.

Love, like, clap, comment, share, and follow me, Ginuschuks Okonkwo- Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


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