There are hardened criminals out there.
Don't allow your children and wards to swell up the numbers.
Don't allow your children and wards to sleep out and slip out and away from you.
If they must sleep out, be first to know about that from them and their reason for doing so.
Don't be overprotective of your children and wards.
Be firm and assertive stating your rules and reasons for your actions and reactions.
Seek to influence and impact your children and wards in a special way that no one can rival you.
Let and lead your children and wards to buy into your rules and reasons behind them freely and willingly.
Be a good salesman, who doesn't just sell his/her products or services but the benefits of using his/her products or services by his/her clients.
Insist on knowing the friends of your children and wards.
Make friends with them too.
Create time for this.
Invite them and spend quality time with them.
Creating time is oftentimes the overwhelming challenge here.
It is a commitment and life-saving investment and transgenerational gain when you succeed.
It is sacrificial and that you must do.
Create it and make it a norm for you and your entire family to emulate and live by it.
Be confident in yourself and build confidence in your children and wards such that whenever they have complicated issues, you become the very first point of call to outsource their solutions.
Be real to yourself and your children and wards, not a coward.
You are not a Superman even though that is what your children and wards see in you with their children's eyes and minds.
Be ready to learn, unlearn, relearn, and outsource information, ideas, and knowledge that will be helpful to your children and wards.
Do you know that was what you were in their eyes when they were growing up?
Don't ever diminish that when it comes to your children and wards' relationship with God.
You are the first figure of God they know. Be the number one source of hope, faith, love, truth, and integrity so that whenever the opportunity to introduce them to love and truth personified, God Almighty and His words, they will be willing hearts, spirits, souls, and bodies to accept His best gift of love to the dying world, Christ Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.
Parents and childcare givers, you are the shepherd of tender souls under your care. Rear them well in all kinds of weather, and you will be blessed by the Almighty God who has called you and made you a co-creator with Him in procreation.
Attention:Husbands And Wives, Fathers And Mothers, And Child Caregivers!
How much of your children do you know?
What do you know about your children?
Are you, your children's confidants?
Do you realize that your knowledge of your children is not one size fits all?
Do you realize that it cannot be the unisex approach to understanding your children, for such does not exist when your knowledge about your children is tasked?
Child training is beyond modeling fashionistas and superstars to understanding the uniqueness of every child, and the personality and personality traits of every child.
Child training demands quality time and presence which cannot be contracted or outsourced.
You are the first champion that your children know.
Therefore, be real and do not fake yourself before your children.
You may be an extrovert having an introvert ward for you to train up.
If you have more than one child to bring up at the same time as parents and or caregivers the task is oftentimes overwhelming.
You must be alive to your duties and live in awareness and consciousness of this task and deliberately work on it for the desired results to show.
At present, many parents are ignorant of the extent to which knowledge has expanded since the dawn of this century of voice, speed, and light.
Information travels at the speed of light and everyone wants to be heard.
There are multi-faceted infotech devices coupled with internet connectivity readily available to help drive information around the globe.
In this era, you may be surprised as a parent to see that it is easier to manage extroverted children with their outspoken and socialite identities than introverted children with their high intellectual and creative capabilities.
The task of child-rearing is more now than ever before.
Parents who are not updating their knowledge about their children regularly are likely to end up losing them to the world and its worldly influences.
Unfortunately, examples around the world have little or nothing to write home about that are of good quality.
It is almost that the children are now left on their own to figure out things by themselves.
The economic situation of the world, communication, and entertainment contents of this world have all relatively gotten negative implications as far as a healthy upbringing of children is concerned.
Parents in the course of fending and fetching for what their children will eat have been taken out of the reach of their children thereby denying them the gift of presence, quality time, and power of examples.
Parents who do not have time or spend quality time with their children will find it hard to communicate to connect and inculcate family values in them.
Parenting is getting more and more messed up by the day.
From the use of poorly cared for and trained maids and caregivers to take care of your children to the use of gadgets and robots.
When are you to balance out your lives and take up your responsibilities as committed parents?
The society we see and complain about is the society we have inherited and are now bequeathing to this generation and generation next.
Society is the mirror of its constituent families 👪 and hence it is as good as its own families 👪.
There is no responsibility given to man by God that is greater than man.
It is by negligence, ignorance, and outright disobedience that we feel that our God-given responsibilities are greater and higher than us.
We are called to respond to our innate abilities which are God-given to us and necessarily important for us to shoulder our responsibilities to our children for our good and the children and to the glory of God Almighty.
Always Remember when you are challenged by the enormous duties and tasks of being a co-creator with God that you have direct access to Him as your source, sustainer, and defender, and your stewardship is to Him.
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Have a brilliant day and God bless you.
Enjoy your day.
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo