Is there anything like the useless member?
Name one useless member of your body.
To be a member of a setup means that you are occupying a space within the setup or system. And to remove you from the setup means that your absence will create a vacuum.
However, God does not allow life and nature to support a vacuum. It is for this reason that your loss is another person's gain.
It is painful to lose your person or a dear one to the cold hands of death. However, the moment that your very dear one was passing onto glory many souls were arriving to take his or her place on earth not necessarily to replace him/her within your cycles in terms of number and position but rather to ensure that no vacuum was created within the world system.
That is how we have multiplied to reach over 7 billion people on the face of the earth from Noah's time to date.
This is in consonant with the law of increase that states your expectations of increase are only justifiable when you are willing to part with what you have at hand.
Farmers are aware and conscious of this truth and are given to it. This is the reason why a farmer is ready to part with his/her choicest seeds by planting them in anticipation of a bountiful and bumper harvest.
All these by the way are lessons and food for thought.
So let's get back to whether there is any member of your body that is useless. The delicate parts of your body are not massive in structure but are important and potent in determining your state of health.
Therefore, in a family setting every member of the family should be seen as significant else he/she will become the weakest point in a chain that determines the strength of the entire chain.
Consider The Power Of Your Tongue
Don't place a curse on yourself or anybody to say that you are useless or calling someone useless.
Beware and be careful over the use of idol words for you will surely be called to give an account of them.
Your words can be creative or destructive.
There is life or death in the power of your tongue, but it all depends on the use you put it to.
Be choosy of your words and don't forget it all starts with what you feed your mind with unto your thoughts process, choices, decisions, and actions.
Bear in mind always, that communication goes beyond the spoken words. So, endeavor to ensure that your juicy words are properly accompanied by your appropriate body language.
See, you and I might have been a victim of this before but now comes the very moment for transformation.
Are you ready? Let's go!
Make a covenant with your ears and mouth that you will listen more and speak less. If possible, double your listening ability and half your speaking ability.
Consider these things!
You have two ears
You have two eyes
You have two nostrils
But you have one mouth
And one tongue all for a purpose.
Remember, this is my campaign support series for control-moderated communication in the family 👪.
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Have a blissful and peaceful home.
Enjoy your day
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo