There are Writers, and there are writers' Writers.
There are Teachers, and there are teachers' Teachers.
There are Lawyers, there are lawyers'
There are Doctors, there are doctors' Doctors.
There are Professors, and there
are professor's Professors.
When I read your write-up on writing (permit me to paraphrase) as an act or art least I knew was that you were going somewhere. Now, I understand that all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
When I read your article about you trying to dot the I's and cross the T's in bringing together your schoolmates of 2004 I was at a loss for the jargon you employed in explaining some hilarious moments involved.
Moreover, when I read of your introduction of your 'younger sister,' who is your wife during her birthday I knew I have been in for a treat without recognizing that. Now that I know, I am in the presence of a 'professor',I am ready and willing to subject my works for a professorial assessment and evaluation that will qualify me and guarantee my certification.
After all, former Nigerian President, OBJ had done all with his presidential assignments before he obtained his doctorate degree.
You know that I have not yet attended the status of Professor WS yet,to reject the revisit and retake of my jumped steps in the field of writing.
I believe that you have read some of my works and might have seen some of the glaring flaws in them. Email and notify me of the email for further discussion on private disturbing issues I have with my writings.
Note and remember this always,that Methuselah's age did not make him equal to Jesus Christ or older than Jesus Christ.
Congratulations for your works and contributions here.