
"This life thing isn’t always perfect. There have been hard times in the past, there are hard times in the present and I’m sure more await me in the future. But I love life. I try to make the most of the life I’ve been given, both selfishly and selflessly where either is warranted."

You sound philosophical all through these heartfelt renditions explaining and expressing your pains and the parts you have played in this paradoxical phenomenon called life.

Who knows it feels it.

In life, do we need absolute freedom?
I don't feel we should have absolute freedom as long as humans remain emotional, rational, relational, and systemic beings.

Also, as long as our tripartite nature subsists to exemplify the need for harmony, unity of purpose, and synchronization of the spirit, soul, and body for a total man thus justifying and reinforcing our systemic nature.

We are customized beings individually special and unique yet not complete by ourselves.

We have strengths and weaknesses with comparative advantages to enable us to see the essence of mutually leveraging on one another for synergistic strengths for optimal performance with the potential for exponential growth and results.

Thus, I opined that life is better as an arena of complementary completions rather than an arena of competitive comparisons that it is predominantly today which has bred more feuds and foes than peace and friendships.

I believe your acceptance, adoption, adaptation, and application of the concept of complementary completions knowingly or unknowingly that have seen you triumph over your adversities because it is inclined to natural laws and human nature.

I salute your courage, determination, discipline, and focus.
Thanks for sharing your life experiences.



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