-The Key To Building a Healthy Relationship
Define and or give the appropriate description of your words or concepts to properly comprehend your words or concepts.
Poorly defined words or concepts will leave you with near misses, misunderstandings, and confusion.
Understanding relationships, the key to a healthy relationship, demands that we study to prove each of the keywords in it.
Beyond the understanding of the keywords, practice and implement the understanding you have obtained promptly and properly to attain wisdom, growth, and progress in your relationships.
-As a noun, it is the ability to comprehend something; sympathetic awareness or tolerance; and an informal or unspoken agreement or arrangement;
-Understanding as an adjective means sympathetically aware of other people's feelings; tolerant and forgiving; having insight or good judgment; and
-Understanding in a verb form is understanding: it means to perceive the intended meaning of words, a language, or a speaker; interpret or view( something) in a particular way; and be sympathetically or knowledgeably aware of the character or nature of something or someone.
In summary, we can see that having rightful:
-sympathetic awareness of people's feelings;
and forgiving and so much more are seen from the definition of understanding as some of the rightful ingredients for good and healthy relationships.
No wonder business relationships thrive on rightful and detailed legal documents and documentation.
It is a noun word that means how two or more people or things are connected, or the stage of being connected.
Hence, the relationship between two people or groups is how they feel and behave towards each other.
To have a healthy relationship depends on how well parties to any kind of relationship can manage their weakest links by leveraging on one another's areas of strengths.
This must be done consciously, deliberately, and consistently.
Next in line on understanding relationships, the key to good and healthy relationships is that of an EXTRAPOLATING MEANING OF RELATIONSHIP.
This is born out of the fact that the word relationship is a compound word consisting of:
-Relation and
Relation, is a noun word that describes how two or more people or things are connected; a thing’s effect on or relevance to another; and a person who is connected by blood or marriage; a relative.
Ship: a ship is simply a large seagoing vessel.
The extrapolating meaning of relationship describes a relationship to mean a connection between relatives or any two or more entities in the ocean of life.
Imagine the erratic weather conditions of the high sea and the unpleasant circumstances as well as the terrain called sea and liken them to the challenges we face daily in our relationships.
Some weather conditions in the high sea are unpredictable and at times necessitate the jettison of some cargo to lighten the weight of the ship while sailing on the high sea even, so it is demanded of us to jettison some negative emotional overloads to continue our relationship.
The sea and ocean waves are not always calm, so it takes disciplined understanding, agreement, commitment, and harmonized and synchronized actions of all parties in a ship to sail safely in the ocean even, so it is demanded of us in any relationships we find ourselves in this ocean of life.
-In every relationship, there are emotional accounts:
Deposit effectively in them.
Failure to consistently and deliberately deposit in the emotional account while you are in a relationship will leave you with an emotionally overdrawn account that will abruptly trigger the dissolution of the relationship.
-In every relationship there are expectations.
Minimax your expectations;
Communicate to connect; and
Complement to complete one another to eliminate or minimize your weaknesses while maximizing your strengths to optimize your results.
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