You owe yourself the duty of care.
We all have a duty of care to ourselves.
That starts with an understanding of yourself and taking care of yourself.
Unfortunately,most of us don't spend enough time with ourselves. That is the height of negligence to our primary duties.
We ought to love and care for ourselves.
You owe yourself happiness at all times because happiness is a result of what happened or what did not happen and the meaning you ascribed to it.
However, it is oftentimes not possible because we don’t give adequate and proper attention to ourselves.
There was a time in my life I was frequently ill and after a series of tests, it was confirmed that I had malaria parasites.
This ordinarily was a treatable illness that if it was well treated could not last more than a week of treatment which I hardly completed thus enabling the parasites to form resistance.
Also, the same illness kept on recurring because I was constantly being exposed to mosquito 🦟 bites, and my doctor ordered that a genotype test be conducted.
It was then established that I was constantly down because of my AA genotype which has little or no resistance to malaria parasites.
Ever since I was armed with the main caustic factors of poor treatment approach and my genotype as the reasons why I was always down; I have been careful not to be exposed to mosquito bites, and my health situation has been tremendously improved and stabilized for years now.
This is about my health but the same attention and care apply to other aspects of our lives like our values and relationships.
If you have had enough attention and care to yourself, you will be able to know your values and have them established.
You can move a step further to sell those values to your would-be friends and partners.
Whosoever bought into them and keep to them is more likely to be genuine than the fair-weather friends we call friends and partners.
In life, the name and definition we give to a thing matter. Success is personal but our significance is communal and enduring.
Your best is what you make of yourself.
Your abilities and capabilities are in you.
Wisdom demands that you explore and exploit yourself to the fullest, and to be the best you can be.
One of the first duties of care you owe to yourself is to constantly remind yourself that you are the only certified true copy of yourself currently in the whole wide world today. That any other semblance of you elsewhere must be an imitation and not original.
It is this duty of care that constantly demands and reminds you to go for the best.
This urge to go for the best, becomes the best, and be excellent for yourself becomes real after you might have become first, the best version you could be, per time and your levels in life.
This does not happen on its own. It is possible when you, by divine guidance have worked yourself through to your best version.
The urge to go for the best can become illusionary and life unsatisfying if you have not become your very best version, but still yet want to attract the best things to yourself.
That you copy and paste the work of a doctorate has not made you one, but will rather leave a vacuum within you desiring to be filled and be fulfilled.
Your voice is unique,
Your facemask is special,
Your fingerprints and footprints are distinct, are all pointers to you being a customized and divinely calibrated product of the Almighty God.
Therefore, go for the gold for you are golden and the best of your kind.
Enjoy your weekend.
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo
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