What is Pursuing You Determines How You Will Run Your Race.

Debts for your life or leisure for your pleasure chase?

Your vision will remain an illusion to you if you dare to remove your focus and mind from it. When you have lost your childhood years and youthful years and have gone past the mid-years of your life without any tangible thing to show, you will understand when I ask you to check what is pursuing you, whether it is a Lion🦁 or Dog🐕 that is at your heels.

I have gone past the morning and afternoon hours of my life, and I am fast spending my evening hours with only a book to show for my calls and assignments. The Blissful and Peaceful Homes, a Wonderful World is my maiden book of all the books I was supposed to have published in my lifetime. I am grateful to God because many have gone and forgotten, unheard of and unpublished, but still yet, their books would have made shouting headlines in the newspapers and various media houses of this world.

Unfortunately, they had gone home unnoticed and unheard of. Too bad!

Now I have gotten one and only one book of legacy and reference but yet unable to promote it for lack of funds and lack of appropriate contacts and connections to mass produce it and circulate it as per my dreams concerning it.

