
When the masters write, it is more often than not an infusion of act and art crafts and a blend that satisfies both the actors and artists alike.

To be counted here is an honor of immeasurable quantifications and qualifications. I appreciate the honor with grateful and thankful heart.

I stand with and or for what should be a natural disposition of a generic man who, by divine wisdom, is designed and calibrated, a customized product, special, and with unique personality traits and comparative advantages but yet not complete by himself.

Hence, he is created as an emotional, rational, relational, and systemic being and a talking spirit. These are to enable him function rationally and relationally to connect and communicate with others mutually and systemically harmonizing and synchronizing his operations.

At the end he leverages others strengths while minimizing his weaknesses for the benefits of all.

The resultant effects of these are exponential growth and results made possible by complementary completions rather than competitive comparisons that breed feuds and foes.

This publication is a journey of a million miles that starts with taking a step and that step has been taken now. And I believe it is taken in a right direction.
Congratulations 🎉🔥❤️🎉



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