
Yeah, the wise farmer can be of help as long as the foolish farmer is willing and ready to drop/change his/her attitude toward work.

It is the foolish farmer's willingness, readiness, choice, decision, and action that will birth the desired result.

It is his/her attitude that will determine his/her altitude at last. It may be hard at the beginning, but still yet doable and achievable.

However, it is the identification of the need for change and willingness for a change that births the burning and compelling desire that causes a change to happen.

Relating the foregoing in the context of the story and lessons therein as they relate to parenting you can see that being a good parent starts with the parents and extend to their willingness to take up their responsibilities as responsible parents.

Parents should from the onset know and have the family values they want and have them established by living them out first for their children to emulate.

It is easier to inculcate the values you are living out in your children than the values you are just mouthing to them.

It is the hearer and doer of the words that will be justified and not the hearer alone.



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