You have not been off the track rather you have succeeded in building brand awareness and consciousness into the discussion which on its own is not bad at all.
Life is about perceptions and perspectives as they have impacts and influence over our thoughts, choices, decisions, and actions.
Poverty and the gap between the rich and poor would not have gotten the monster status it has today if not that the poor allowed mind conditioning projected and perpetrated on them by the rich.
Many out there would not have preferred a can of Coke over water after a meal if not for mind conditioning coming from ads and branding programs of the producers of Coke.
The same thing happens with the information projected to the poor in their poverty state. Most of the information is made to create fear and panic in the hearts of the poor just to keep them within the hole of poverty without thinking outside the box.
The rich leverage a lot in the poor mentality of the poor for them to remain relevant.