The purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

Your purpose is a ministry and mission.
As a believer in Christ Jesus, your purpose is your ministry within the body of Christ, the church, and your mission to the dying world.

Your purpose has within it your vision of what you would want the body of Christ and the world who are following and listening to you to benefit from you.

Also, your purpose has within it the drive and your passion to excel despite obstacles on your way to realizing your dreams and vision.

Your purpose is unique and special to you.
It is original to you even though similarities may exist somewhere and somewhat but your style, character, conduct, and so on exist to confirm the uniqueness of your purpose to you.

Your purpose exists to confirm you as a part and component of the general body of humanity. Hence, your purpose thrives on system concepts. Your purpose is complementing and contributing to complete other people by ameliorating their pain points.

Even though your purpose functions best in your area of comparative advantage and gifting, the spirits of competition and comparison are hindrances you must overcome to be you and live out your purpose.

Your comparative advantage exists only to highlight your areas of strength and weakness which will enable you to seek mutual alignment with others to collaborate and cooperate to optimize your outputs and desired results. That is why you are a rational and relational being.

Moreover, your purpose is value-adding and or value-enhancing thus changing lives for the better.

Your purpose requires identification, grooming, and nurturing until maturity.
Your purpose will certainly and surely bring fame, influence, power, and wealth to you if followed through to the end.

Furthermore, your purpose demands you, your attention, and your time.
Your purpose is sacrificial but rewarding.

Finally, the purpose of life is life-fulfilling, joyous, and peaceful to those who find it.


Reference James Chapter 3: 13- 18
Are you surprised to hear about this counterfeit purpose?

Laws exist to define lawlessness
Orderliness exists to define disorderliness even, so we have words and opposites.

Good and bad.
Day and night.
Original and counterfeit.

Don't be surprised to hear this because it is true.

Your purpose defines you, your existence, and your living. Therefore, the archenemy of man, Satan the devil, and his agents in their cunning craftiness have duplicated and adulterated your purpose to confuse you and deny you, your right, and all your entitlements in God here and hereafter.

However, God is merciful and all-knowing. He has gone ahead before time in allowing every challenge on your journey of faith which is designed by the devil and its agents a stumbling block to becoming a stepping stone for believers in Christ to discover their purpose of existence and living.

Non-believers who uphold the principles of success can be successful, but they can easily be cornered and deceived to work for the devil as the undecided are easy prey in the hands of Satan and his demons.

As there are divine and godly purposes for man, there exist equally ungodly, unholy, and satanic purposes for man, the counterfeit purposes.

Therefore, living in awareness and consciousness of this will help you to be mindful and thoughtful of who defines and designs your purposes; how you will ensure that you activate and articulate godly purposes to achieve God's ordained destiny for your life.

You should endeavor and ensure that your very purposes are pure, true, and just, and are aligned with God's plans for you and God's original plan for man and now you as a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Beware and be warned.

Purpose without good
conscience, genuine love, originality, and value to humanity and God spells doom.


When I was given this topic on purpose to write by God years ago, I doubted my abilities and capabilities because it was the exact thing I was struggling with then.

God said to me to look within myself and then look away from myself to ask myself the following questions which I am now directing to you:


-Who are you?

-What would you like to see in yourself in 10 to 25 years as your contributions to humanity?

-What are your values, passions, and drives in life?


-What do you see as a major problem outside of money?

-What do you consider as the major cause of the major problem identified from the above subheading?

Then, God said to me that whosoever can identify a problem that he/she can sacrificially and passionately undertake by adding value or enhancing values to humanity and complementing God's desires for man, and completing human existence has found his/her purpose in life.

It was then that I identified youths' restiveness as a major concern to me and its major causes are the drifting state of marriage union and family values as well as the lackadaisical approach to youths' understanding and pursuit of their purpose in life.

To address this major problem in our society is why I am writing a book that focuses on the fundamental and foundational issues that start with you and your family apart from training and counseling youths within my circle of influence.

I hope the book,
"Blissful And Peaceful Homes,
A Wonderful World,"
will be published this year.


Reference: Ephesians4:7,11-13

It is said that whenever we are traveling on a road without any destination we are likely to reach nowhere.
Hence, it has become necessary to discover and establish why we exist and for what intents are our existence.


Much work had been done on this very topic, the purpose, such that when I was led to write on it for days I kept ruminating on the aspect of this versed topic that God would want us to share as His Children.

Then, to the glory of His name, He said that the topic was made complex by the writers, teachers, and researchers of this topic as a result of their various backgrounds, constituencies, perspectives, and even greed.

I was then told to write about it based on my constituency, the Church, and its potential members.

Every manufacturer has its manufacturer's mind documented, especially for complex systems to quicken the understanding of the system and its operations by the users.

Man functions in systemic ways with various micro subunits divinely synchronized to enhance his/her operations. Understanding the operations of this divine, dynamic, and systemic being called man demands the attention of man's manufacturer, God.

Hence, we have a guiding manual on how to operate man, the scriptures. Other religious sects have their sacred books of reference because God does not allow any vacuum as long as man in his/her existence has God's breath to account for.

For example, the scriptures say, “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ."
And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets and some evangelists; some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."

From the foregoing, therefore, we understand that we are members of the same body of Christ with the measure of grace given to us according to the gift of Christ with purposes attached.

There are posts and positions within and without the body of Christ called ministers and ministries as well as missionaries and missions.


From our discussions and our text, every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ, and we have posts and positions in the body of Christ that birth our ministries and missions hence we become ministers and missionaries for the purposes whereby we are called.

It is not one size fits them all.
Some people were called in the way and manner of Moses and Paul the Apostle.

While other people were influenced, and they learned from their mentors, masters, and significant others' lives like Joshua, Elisha, and Timothy.

Also, they were those who experienced their call by the genuine, sincere intense burden in their hearts for things of God and God's children. They were those who consecrated their lives and were ready to stand for the truth even to die for the truth.

The Bible is not silent in rolling out names like Mordecai, Esther, Nehemiah, Daniel and his three friends, the Apostles of Jesus Christ, Stephen, and so on in the Bible days.

The call and various patterns of our calls have not changed but the age and time of our seasons. The signs of the end of time are all here for us to see. We are living in a dangerous and perilous time when the love of many for things of God as foretold by the scriptures is waxing cold.

The circumstances and situations before us notwithstanding the following rewards are awaiting as many as will answer the call:

✅A book of remembrance will be written for us if we fight manfully and triumph while abiding and looking unto Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of our faith.

✅Whosoever is found living in the purpose-driven sphere of life will find fulfillment in Christ and His words and in the end life eternal.

✅If we are occupied with the Lord answering our calls as we live out our purposes for Him, our influence will be infectious and spread with signs following.


Over time, I have realized that the way and manner we face tasks before us are subject to the name we assign to them. Hence, what I now refer to as challenges are what I originally called problems until the revelation that I should always endeavor to be a master to every challenge that comes my way because dogs bear names according to their master's choices and are subject to their master's wishes.

Therefore, live in awareness and consciousness that you want to take control over your challenges as a master and be in charge.

I now see problems as a summons to prove whose servant I am, and as servants of God, we are often challenged to prove our faith.

Therefore, the challenges upon some Christians today are in identifying their purposes because of the place and position they allot to vision and purpose in their walks and works with God.

Purpose and vision are pivotal in our journey of faith with the Lord. Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner say, "Vision is to know who you are -purpose, where you are going - imagining, an imaginative picture of the future- vision, and what will guide your journey-values."

So, purpose is one of the principal elements of a compelling vision. John Graham says: "A vision is a practical guide for creating plans, setting goals and objectives, making decisions, and coordinating and evaluating the work on any project, large or small. A vision helps to keep organizations and groups focused and together especially with complex projects and in stressful times"
The body of Christ is big, having complex projects and programs to execute at every point in time. Our ministries are found within what we do in the church; whilst our missions are what we do without the body of Christ Jesus with our values centered on bringing back the perishing to the knowledge of the saving grace of Christ Jesus.

A diligent, focused, and thorough search through our gifting with the leading of the Holy Spirit will point out to us our gifts that will best add value unto others within and without the church, the body of Christ.

Identifying our purposes demands that we ask rightful and truthful questions. Also, it demands that we understand ourselves, and our relationships with God to be able to know when to accept our challenges and when we are to mend our ways.

Oftentimes, when we have challenges we murmur and complain instead of taking the challenging moments to God in prayers. Most times when we take away our eyes from God and His words and focus them on the challenges we will not be able to ask the rightful and truthful questions.
Questions like:

✅What are the reasons for these challenges?

✅Are there things in us that attracted these challenges to us?

✅How would God want us to respond to these challenges?

✅What are the innate potentials we have that made these challenges ours?

✅What opportunities are there in these challenges before us?

To know and ask the forgoing questions means that we have come to the understanding that:

-Not all the challenges confronting us are against us. If we are truly God's children, challenges are allowed to stress, stretch and strengthen our spiritual muscles for the manifestation of our best.

-Challenges are allowed in our lives to prepare us for tasks ahead.

-Challenges are allowed in our lives to develop a guide for the upcoming persons who may be facing similar challenges in the future.

-Some challenges are allowed to produce and provide documented evidence and testimonies of God's protective powers, victories, and triumphs for His children.

- Some challenges graduate us to the next levels in life.

Therefore, we are not to wish away every challenge in our lives. We should be mindful of the truth that His grace is sufficient unto us because all things work together for good to them that are called who work according to His purpose.

To your greatness and fruitfulness in God's Kingdom and His vineyard, enjoy your day.

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🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


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