Your body and your immediate vicinity are your known world. How you think and what you think have impacts and implications on you and how you react to circumstances and situations that happen within and around you.
You are the symbol of your family.
Your family is a symbol of your lineage.
Your lineage represents your clan and community as well as the larger society to which you belong.
In life, challenges are real, and everyone must have a fair share of it. The only difference will be in the ways and manners you handle your life challenges.
The challenges you have today are your fair share of the life challenges that you must have to fix to make for a blissful and peaceful home, a wonderful world.
The good thing about challenges is that they will oftentimes throw up a revolutionary mind and thinking capable enough to take on the challenges.
The beauty of the revolutionary mind is that it starts slowly with awareness of where you are now to the consciousness of where you should have been if you had done the right thing in the past.
However, what matters most remains the actions you take now to justify the awareness and consciousness that have suddenly enveloped you for the expected results to show.
Your failure to take immediate actions commensurate to the level of awareness and consciousness you have received will leave you frustrated and holed in procrastination.
It is the vibrational energy and power generated by the awareness and consciousness of your present and past that will propel you toward a positive change now for the future.
This is where holy revolutionary anger becomes inevitable as you marshal out action plans and match them with actions now for the desired results.
You can rescue yourselves, your families, and indeed your nation if you are quick to read and understand the handwriting on the wall. Your mind must be repositioned to possess your possessions.
Honestly assess and work on yourself to single out your best comparative advantage, the best area of competence and passion, groom and nurture it to mastery and contribute and collaborate to complement and complete humanity for your good and the good of your family and society and to the glory of God.
Life is better as an arena of complementary completions than an arena of competitive comparisons that drive the world today crazy. Therefore, seek how best to ally and align with people of like minds with liberating thinking to find a common solution for a common problem confronting you and them.
You will arrive sooner than expected.
Follow me, Ginuschuks Okonkwo- Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo as we await the delivery of my book, THE BLISSFUL AND PEACEFUL HOME, A WONDERFUL WORLD, together.
Enjoy the day.
🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo
#work #future #change #energy #power #beauty