You And I Are Called To Occupy A Place Of Importance, Impacts, And Influences

To you,
2)Child caregivers,
7)Influencers, and
8)Whatever name you choose to be called.

Don't leave your corner in darkness, brighten it.

Brighten the corner where you are.
Just like a spark of lightning that brightens the darkest night even, you are called to be and do.

You are called the light of the world. Therefore, illuminate your world.
Remember, darkness has no definition other than the absence of light.
So, let your light so shine ✨ 🎇

The position you and I occupy is delicate.
You and I occupy a place of importance, impact, and influence.

We are commanded to occupy until He

Knowledge is one of the keys to determining the kind of information which is the light we give.
It can be right or wrong information we pass on to our hearers depending on the source of knowledge we have.

We have a decision of now and the future to make based on the position we occupy.

A decision of now determining the cost and strength of the structure we want to build and bequeath the future.
This entails the cost of acquiring the rightful knowledge.

The cost of the strength of the structure we want to build and bequeath the future entails documenting the rightful visions and designs of the future we would want to have based on the rightful knowledge we have.

Our decisions of the future are faith-based, visionary, imaginative, and imagery of our supposed future.
It is said that what we can imagine with the right mix of thoughts, choices, decisions, and actions we can possess over time.

Remember, your delicate position is a leading position.
Your thoughts are leading thoughts.
Your choices are leading choices.

Likewise, your decisions and actions are the leader's decisions and actions.

Therefore, you and I ought to be mindful and thoughtful of our delicate positions because the leader's light is a leading light and on the flip, a leader's sin is a leading sin.

You and I occupy a position of honor.

Let us act and behave ourselves in a way and manner befitting and deserving of our position and honor bequeathed us.

It is not an entitlement that we occupy whatever position we occupy but a place of privilege worthy of our heartfelt commitments to the duties whereby we are called.

Your delicate position is demanding.
Sure it is.

Hence, you are called the salt of the earth. You are to preserve lives, and you are to season lives.

Don't forget that if one can't protect life he/she can't preserve it.
You can direct and guide lives to fruition.

It is a call.
Answer the call and discharge the duty faithfully.

Unfortunately, in the reverse, you can misguide, and mind-bind-destroy minds and the future of a generation and generations yet unborn with your messages.

Therefore, endeavor and ensure that you choose a proper course for your call.

I am a writer, and you are what?

Offer me your answers and comments and share this message.

Enjoy your day.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo

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