You are the pen of God's greatness.

Allow God to use you.
Allow God to fill and refill you.

Being the best you can be,

Doing the best you can do,

Exhibiting the best in you,

Giving your best,

Functioning your best,


Producing your best.

All are possibilities in you, within you, and for you.

However, they may remain latent and untapped,

Until you come to the state of realization and awareness of who you are.

You are a special species of the Abba Father, and you are divinely calibrated, assigned, and deployed here on Earth for God's glory and the good of humanity.

You are customized, unique, and the special apple of God's eye planted in His palms and under His divine watch.

By the divine rule of engagement, you are in charge of the earthen vessel allotted to you with willpower and ASK powers to explore, exploit, employ, and deploy at will.

As long as you live, the world is not complete without you.

So, occupy your space in time and season.

Hence, why, you are created and left with the instruction to increase and multiply.

Therefore, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

Stop hindering the move of God.

Release yourself from self-doubts.
Allow His light to illuminate you to increase
your confidence.

Release yourself from the fears of the unknown.
Now should be your time of concern.
Tomorrow belongs to God.
Yesterday was only good for the experiences and lessons it offered and must remain in the past.

Let go of your yesterday's baggage but cease not to learn from the lessons it had offered you.

Let go of your tomorrow for it may be or may not be.

Be mindful and thoughtful of today.

The gift of life from the Abba Father.

To give your best forgetting what was and what is to come but acting now to create your better, greater, and higher you that comes by each day.


Who you are in the mind of people, differs from person to person because of the differences in opinions, views, and perspectives of you by people per circumstances, situations, and time.

At any and every point in your life, you represent different things to different people as an adult.

For example, a man 25 years old positionally, may represent a son, husband, uncle, friend, colleague, neighbor, employer, employee, and so on to somebody out there.

Also, in terms of skills, you may be a skilled or an unskilled person, a professional, and so on.

Of all the various opinions, views, and perspectives on you, you are still the same person to your maker and manufacturer, God.

In you, there are the standout values that make you unique and special.
It is this uniqueness that identifies and singles you out among your peers.

If you can identify these unique and special attributes of yourself, groom and nurture them, and present them to profit others, they will eventually pay you, and you will be fulfilled.

That you are unique is no longer in doubt but the ability to identify your areas of uniqueness and align them is.
This is because of the various versions of you in the minds of people including you.

This is the reason why you are to live mindfully and thoughtfully of who you are created to be.
And in awareness and consciousness of these, search diligently to obtain and possess your true self.

To start with, agree with your manufacturer that you are unique and not a clone for a purpose.

Agree with Him that you are here to complement and complete others in the system equations of life and life puzzle.

Then seek and obtain a solution to a particular challenge that arouses your uniqueness and passion.
Be intentional and consistent to progress unto mastery, and you are on your way to greatness.


Your description of a matter or an issue is based on the knowledge you have concerning the matter or issue.

So, the degree of your illumination concerning a matter or an issue is one of the basic determinants of your perspective concerning the matter or issue.

This is why great and good leaders don't joke with critical thinking and knowledge.

Therefore, wisdom demands you have well-detailed information about a matter or an issue before you can effectively and objectively give a balanced perspective concerning the matter or issue.

Do you have value or do you care about value?

Do you know that every word or statement you make use of mirrors 🪞 you and your value?

Be word sensitive.
Word creates.
Word destroys.
Also, words can keep you.
And words can kill you.

Be mindful and thoughtful of your words.

Guide your utterances because words once spoken cannot be gathered.

It takes self-control, determination, consistency, and intentionality to guide yourself on the appropriate and proper usage of words as well as in giving the appropriate and proper perspective to matters or issues of concern to you.

You may ask, why are perspective and words issues of concern to us in family values discussions today?

Simple, you are a role model, coach-trainer, champion, and the first known primary and principal teacher of your children and wards.

Moreover, your children and wards learn primarily from you by observing, hearing, and imitating you.

Therefore, you ought to live by example always.

Brace up to live for value and to bequeath your children and wards with positive transit- transformational family values of balanced perspective to matters or issues of concern to them.


Your Dream Of Blissful And Peaceful Homes, Wonderful World

Make it real.
You can dream it
You can imagine it
You can visualize it
You can imagine to image it
You can have it.

Your dream home of bliss, peace, and tranquility where love, trust, forgiveness, and forbearance reign and are commonly exchangeable without recourse to curses and regrets is possible to him/her that believes.

It takes you, your decisions, and your actions of faith to have your dreams met.

The desire of parents for their families and children is to be successful.

However, the definition of success differs from person to person but the common features of success are impacts, influence, and relevance.

These are hallmarks of leadership.

Therefore, the primary goals of parents 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 are to raise successful families and children of impact, influence, and relevance to themselves, society, and the glory of God.

These common goals of parents demand matching thoughts, decisions, choices, and actions for parents to realize them. This is where parental leadership qualities are demanded.

As parents, you are the prototype model and champion for your children; you are a coach-trainer and mentor to your children


These are all multitasking demands placed on the shoulders of parents as molders of the leaders of tomorrow who will in turn shape the future of society and the world.

What then are the 10 essential qualities demanded of you that are necessary to produce successful children?


Communicate to sell the benefits of your family values, objectives, and goals to your family members.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.


Parents like every good leader must be passionate about their call to parenthood. Love your call to parenthood to see opportunities within its challenges.


Say and do things that are best for your team (you and your spouse) and children.


Be open to new ideas, and change when it is considered necessary.
Be approachable, flexible, and adaptive, and welcome superior opinions while keeping your focus.


Source and secure the resources that will make your spouse and children thrive in their respective calls.


Be a positive influence on your spouse and children.
Praise them for the job well done, and take time to coach and train them if there are lapses in their performances.
Encourage them to always be their best and give their best in good and bad times.


Respect and correct one another with love. Treat your spouse and children the way and manner you would like to be treated.


Seek always to have a productive connection with your spouse and children. Communicate to connect.
Seek to build bridges rather than guard your territory.
Seek to maintain complementary completions as opposed to competitive comparisons.


Setting the right example is key to efficient and effective leadership.
From putting the extras that make the extraordinary and treating others with honor, respect, kindness, dedication, determination, devotion, and discipline live and lead by example.


Good leaders are good learners. Learn, unlearn, and relearn practice and implement to improve and progress.
Learn both hard and soft skills and learn in both formal and informal settings, and you will be better for it.

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Enjoy your day

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo



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